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Palm Sunday
8 AM: Blessing of Palms & Holy Eucharist (spoken)
10 AM: Palm Procession & Holy Eucharist (sung)

The 10 AM service begins with the Liturgy of the Palms in the Parish Hall, with Palm Procession to the Nave, followed by the Dramatic Reading of the Passion Gospel of St. Matthew and Holy Eucharist. This is a “hybrid” liturgy: both in-person and online.


Monday & Tuesday in Holy Week
7 PM: Ante-communion, followed by confessions

We will not celebrate the Holy Eucharist during the period from Palm Sunday until Maundy Thursday. On these two days the evening service will be the first part of the Eucharist, including the readings for these days, but ending after the Lord’s Prayer.


Wednesday in Holy Week
7 PM: Tenebrae

Tenebrae, a service of shadows and darkness expressive of the gradual desertion of Christ by those around him, marks a decisive turn in Holy Week and serves as a contemplative portal into the mystery of our redemption which will be our focus in the coming days. This is a service unlike any other in the Church Year and forms the entrance into the heart of Holy Week.


One Liturgy Spread over Three Days

All Episcopalians are to join together for worship if physically able to do so. (Main services in underlined bold text)


Maundy Thursday
7 PM: The Maundy Thursday Liturgy
Prayer Watch following until Noon Good Friday

The first part of the service, which does not conclude until the end of the Great Vigil of Easter, this service commemorates Christ’s command to love each other as he has loved us, and his commandment to “do this in remembrance of me” by sharing in the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Sacrament is then removed to the Chapel and the altar is stripped in recollection of Christ’s arrest and being mocked. We then leave in silence as the lights are lowered.

The Prayer Watch at the Altar of Repose in the Chapel now begins, lasting until noon Friday, in remembrance of Jesus’s words in the garden of Gethsemane, when he asked his disciples to spend an hour in prayer with him. Parishioners sign up to take an hour in prayer in the chapel before Christ in the Holy Sacrament. A member of the parish will be at the church all night to let people in and walk them to their cars.


Good Friday
Noon: Stations of the Cross
7 PM: Good Friday Liturgy

The Good Friday Liturgy is the most solemn service in the Church Year. Its starkness points to the truth of both human brokenness and God’s complete identification with us in our need. The highlights are the Great Silence at the start, then the reading of the Passion Gospel according to St. John, the Solemn Collects (intercessions for all humanity), the bringing out and veneration of the Good Friday Cross, and the Communion from the Reserved Sacrament, brought from the Altar of Repose in the Chapel. Once more, we leave in silence.

Good Friday is marked by as complete a fast as health allows, from sunrise until at least 3 PM, the traditional hour of Christ’s death upon the cross.


Holy Saturday

10 AM: Little Tomb Service of the Burial of Christ

The morning service is a short, spare gathering at the now-denuded altar where we hear of Christ’s hasty burial and contemplate his lying in the tomb, even as God the Son has descended to Hades, there to liberate those long held by the Evil One. A glorious sermon from the very early Christian period is read and prayers for those who have died are offered.

Easter Eve
Saturday, 9 PM: The Great Vigil of Easter,
followed by the Agape Feast

The Easter Vigil is the heart of our life as a parish and as a people. It is our main Easter service. It must be experienced, not explained, but it consists of the lighting, blessing, and sharing of the New Fire, the great song before the Paschal Candle (The “Exsultet”), the readings of the Old Testament prophesies, Renewal of Baptismal Vows, the Proclamation of the Resurrection, the great Easter Homily of St. John Chrysostom, and the First Eucharist of Easter. This is the high point of the entire Church Year. The Vigil is followed by a grand feast in the Parish Hall, to which all are invited. Come and see!

Easter Day
11 AM: Holy Eucharist (said, with hymns)
A “hybrid” liturgy: both in-person and online.

The Easter Day Eucharist at St. Timothy’s is quite a bit simpler than the Vigil. However, it is a joyous celebration and includes the beautiful, ever-new account of Mary Magdalene meeting the Risen Christ in the garden. With this Eucharist, our celebration of Easter Day concludes…but the Great 50 Days of Eastertide has just begun.


+ Stations of the Cross are held every Friday evening at 7 PM during Lent. Join us for the Litany of Penitence from Ash Wednesday and short readings from Blessed Julian of Norwich.


+ Palm Sunday: March 24
8 AM: Blessing of Palms & Holy Eucharist (spoken) 
10 AM: Palm Procession & Holy Eucharist (sung). 

+ Monday, March 25 & Tuesday, March 26
7 PM: Evening Prayer
+ Wednesday, March 27
7 PM: Tenebrae Service


One Liturgy Spread over Three Days  (Main services in bold text)
+ Maundy Thursday: March 28 
7 PM: The Maundy Thursday Liturgy 
Prayer Watch following until Noon on Good Friday 
+ Good Friday: March 29
Noon: Stations of the Cross 
7 PM: Good Friday Liturgy 
+ Holy Saturday; Easter Eve: March 30 
10 AM: Little Tomb Service of the Burial of Christ
9 PM: The Great Vigil of Easter, followed by the Agape Feast 
Easter Day: March 31 
11 AM: Holy Eucharist (said, with hymns)


+ Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 8 AM (said service) and 10 AM (sung service). The 10 AM service is also shared via Zoom for those who are physically unable to attend in person.

+ Wednesdays there is an in-person Holy Eucharist at 10AM, using the traditional-language rite. This service is followed by tea and conversation in the parish library.

+ Current masking policy: All persons may wear a face mask as a health tool. Some persons (especially those in higher-risk groups) should wear a mask. However, no one must wear a mask. The parish provides good quality face masks for those desiring them. 

+ We have an upgraded HVAC air handling system to maximize the safety of our indoor environment.

+ We encourage vaccination for all eligible persons to prevent communicable disease at church or elsewhere.

+ Please contact the parish office for more information, and to be added to our Zoom invitation lists.

Read this week’s news in St. Timothy’s weekly email newsletter, e-Tidings. Subscribe to have news sent directly to your inbox.


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This week's e-Tidings

The Week Ahead...

Thursday, January 23: Phillips Brooks, Bishop, 1893

  • Women's Bible Study on Zoom, 7 PM

Friday, January 24: Florence Li Tim-Oi, Priest, 1944

  • Fridays are marked by acts of discipline and self-denial. If you wish to know more about the meaning of this practice and its benefits, please enquire with Fr. Brandon. 
Saturday, January 25: The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle
+ Sunday, January 26: Patronal Feast of St Timothy
The annual celebration of our parish’s patron, this is also an
occasion of thanks to God for our parish’s founders and benefactors.
+ 8 AM: Holy Eucharist (said). In-person.

+ 9 AM: Adult Study

+ 9:50 AM: Godly Play & nursery open

+ 10 AM: Solemn Procession & Holy Eucharist (sung). 
In-person & online

The Annual Meeting of St. Timothy’s Parish will follow the 10 AM Eucharist
The meeting will take place in the narthex. Light refreshments will be served. 
More information below.
Monday, January 27: John Chrysostom, Bishop and Theologian, 407
  • The parish office is closed on Mondays
Tuesday, January 28: Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Friar, 1274

Wednesday, January 29: 
  • 10 AM: Rite I Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
  • 7 PM: Catechumenate

Prayer Requests from this Parish: Becky McCarroll, Martina Sierra, Bill Martin (son of Margaret McMurren+), Juanita Rivera, Gail Steck, Kerrie Harwood, Rich Zorko, Liz McClure, Charlotte Scherer, Bill Hansen, Barbara Knighton, Anne & Jim Whitney, Jax Dyce, Tia Dyce, Bill Cameron, Family Promise, Salem for Refugees, Mending Wings Youth Ministries, for all those affected by the California wildfires

For Those Expecting a Child: Amelia and Michael

For Those with Birthdays Next Week

In the Diocese of Oregon: St John’s, Bandon

In the Anglican Communion: The Anglican Province of Alexandria

We will celebrate our Patronal Feast this Sunday. The 10 AM liturgy will be followed by the Annual Meeting in the narthex (due to construction of the Parish Hall).  Light refreshments will be served. All are encouraged to attend if able.
Elections to the Parish Vestry: At the annual meeting, we will be voting on two 3-year vestry positions.  The names placed into nomination by the vestry are:
  • Jim Apollonio
  • Brittany Phelps
If you regularly attend the 8 AM service, please do plan to come back to the church for the Annual Meeting (this should start around 11:45 AM).
From Church at the Park


Special screening invitation!
No Place to Grow Old: A Humans for Housing Film & Community Discussion
We’re excited to invite you to a special screening of No Place To Grow Old, a powerful documentary that delves into the growing crisis of senior homelessness in Portland. This film, directed by Davey Schaupp and produced by our partners at Humans for Housing, explores the systemic challenges and deeply personal stories of a generation aging into homelessness. Hosted in collaboration with Chemeketa Community College, Church at the Park, United Way of the Mid Willamette Valley, PacificSource Health Plans & the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), this special event will highlight the realities of houselessness for older adults and showcase the work of local organizations dedicated to addressing this critical issue.
We invite you to watch the film and participate in a community conversation about the urgent need for support and sustainable solutions. Together, we will discuss how we can build a community where everyone has a safe and dignified place to call home.

Event Details:
  • Thursday, February 6th
    • Times:
      • 12:00pm (11:30am doors open, refreshments & lunch available)
      • 6:00pm (5:30am doors open, refreshments & dinner available)
    • Location: Chemeketa Community College, Building 6 Auditorium
Watch the trailer here: No Place to Grow Old Trailer
Learn more about the film:
This is a free event, and all are welcome to attend. Join us to learn more about the realities of houselessness, become inspired by the resilience of those featured, and find out how you can take action to make a difference.
For more information about the event and to reserve your seats, visit

A Message from Salem for Refugees
Dear Salem and Corvallis For Refugees Communities,

On January 20, 2025, an executive order titled "Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program" was signed, marking a significant shift in refugee resettlement policy. This order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) effective January 27, 2025. While we await more details, here’s what we know so far:
  • Program Suspension: Refugee admissions are temporarily paused, with the stated intent to evaluate the nation’s capacity to support resettlement efforts.
  • Periodic Review: A 90-day review process has been established to assess whether admissions align with U.S. interests. However, the lack of a clear timeline creates challenges for resettlement agencies nationwide.
State and Local Involvement: Greater decision-making power is being given to state and local governments, which could limit refugee arrivals in less welcoming areas, even where communities and organizations are prepared to provide support.

As we process this news, we remain mindful of the broader impact. Refugee resettlement has long been a bipartisan success story, bringing economic, social, and cultural benefits to the U.S. while maintaining a strong record of national security. Yet, this policy shift creates uncertainty for those awaiting safety and reunification with loved ones.

Spanish Language Immersion Course

 Since 2015 the Anglican Diocese of Cuernavaca has offered a two-week Spanish language immersion program for groups from various dioceses in the Episcopal Church, including the Diocese of Oregon. The program for our diocese in 2025 will be held from August 2-16, 2025, as always at their diocesan center in Cuernavaca, Mexico. This program is open to students of all levels - from those with very little or no Spanish to more advanced students wanting to zero in on the subjunctive or reflexive verbs.

Click Here for More Info >>>

A Prayer for the Parish

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  Mission Statement of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
We gather to experience the Holy Trinity through Scripture, worship, study, and fellowship. Receiving and reflecting God’s love and grace, we are sent out to love and serve our neighbor, see the Christ in others, and share the Gospel by the example of our everyday lives.
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Father Brandon's Blog

St. Timothy's Parish Office Hours:
 Tuesday & Thursday, 9 AM - 3 PM
Wednesday, 9:30 AM - 3 PM
Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM via telephone/email/text
The Parish Office is closed on Mondays

Parish Office Contact Info
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7416; Salem, OR 97303
Phone: 503-363-0601

Rector's Days Off:
Fridays and on Saturday mornings
Please contact Fr. Brandon on his days off if you have an emergency.
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